Jaclyn Martonosi

Social Media Marketer, Designer

Hi! I’m Jaclyn! I bleed purple and pink, and fruit smoothies keep me alive. I like to play video games, read books, and go exploring. I love going for walks and discovering new places – usually with phone in-hand since my fiancé and I are avid Pokemon GO fans. On my downtime, I also like to design and create press-on nails. I hope to open an Etsy shop and do it as a side hustle one day! In terms of my career path, the industry I’m most focused on breaking into is digital marketing and social media management.

I took the Advertising & Marketing Communications program because I like being creative and wanted a career that had a lot of pathways. I hate being stagnant, so going into an industry that’s always changing seemed right up my alley. I also wanted a job where I could be creative, but not have to be a starving artist to enjoy my passion. Advertising & Marketing Communications is honestly the best of both worlds – it blends business and creativity perfectly. If you’re thinking about applying, go to the open house and meet the professors because they’re honestly some of the coolest people I’ve ever had the pleasure of learning from. Make some connections and have fun!

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